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August 11, 2012



So where are you moving to now, David.
I hope you continue to blog -- I enjoy your posts, and it gives me reminders of my 10 years spent in your country.
Best wishes from Brisbane, Australia.


For the last six years we have enjoyed a second home on the North Carolina coast near Emerald Isle. That is the reason we wrote the EI travel guide. North Carolina's Southern Outer Banks will now be our permanent home.

I'll continue to write View from the Mountain but the pictures might come from other mountains.

I also have a few books other than our travel guide up my sleeve. The one I hope to get out this winter is "From Maybery to Nova Scotia and back." It is about growing up in North Carolina in the fifties and sixties, going off to military school, then to Harvard, moving to Canada to farm, and coming back home as an Apple employee. The book honors my extraordinary mother.

A prelude to the book will be published in the September Feathered Flounder issue.

Thanks for the note, I still have fond memories of my visit to Australia. You Australians are also world class when it come to being friendly.


David -

I have enjoyed your blog for a few years now. . .hope you will continue to write as well. . . I ALWAYS look forward to your stunning photos, no matter WHERE they are taken. . . I love the coastal shots as well as our very own Blue Ridge Mountains. . . do take care and know that you are appreciated here in the Roanoke area of Virginia. . . everyday...


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