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September 25, 2009


Kumud Ajmani

Thanks for the review - I also have a Nikon D60 but ever since I bought the Panasonic FX-37 (mainly for the 25mm wide-angle capability and its 720p video capability), the D60 is being barely used. I do miss the fast speed of the D60 sometimes when I am shooting kids, but the FX-37 goes everywhere with me!

Tim O'Loughlin

Same deal for me, my Olympus E510 gets less use because the ZS1 is nearly as good and all the intelligent features grab an automatically good picture is most circumstances.


Thanks for the review. I'm getting ready to purchase an new camera and will keep you review in mind when buying time actually gets here.


Thank you so much for sharing the pictures and videos> you have helped me with my decision to buy a great camera.


some one said this camera takes the worst pictures indoors and the manual features are no good.What is your take on that?


I am a Realtor and take plenty of pictures with it inside. You can judge for yourself since many of these pictures were taken with it, both inside and out.

It is not a perfect camera, but the only limitations that I have found are taking pictures which require a very quick focus like trying to capture a crashing wave on the beach or a very busy toddler. For those shots I use a faster Nikon DLSR, but I cannot put one of those in my pocket like I can the Lumix.

For what you are paying you get a lot of camera. I don't use any of the manual features so I cannot comment on their utility.


I was planning for a good photography Camera. I believe that one must read reviews before Buying stuff on internet as well as from Shop. Reviews can save u from making a BLUNDER!! I got this link from somewhere about the Review of Panasonic Lumix LS 5. I believe this is the best Photography Camera.

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