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November 12, 2008



You know, I have been following your blog for a little while -- and have always enjoyed reading your posts. This one really hit home for me -- let me step back a bit. I'm an Aussie, living in Brisbane, Australia. For almost 10 years I lived in the USA, and moved back here a couple of years ago.

During that time in your country, I visited many places. One of my fav areas was yours. My wife and I used to go to the Emerald Isle and stay in one of those majestic houses that give such an amazing view of the sea. However one time we stayed in Beaufort, at the Pecan Tree Inn (highly recommend it). I loved wandering around Beaufort -- the history, the architecture...all are wonderful memories for me. I remember there was a sailfish competition on and wandering along where the fishing boats were docked and seeing/smelling the catches was great!

So, thanks for posting this post about Beaufort. I'd live there if ever the chance arose.

Cheers from Brisbane, Australia!

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