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« The old girl get new wheels | Main | Taking a day for myself »

August 26, 2008


Sean Pecor

Here's to safe journeys! I enjoy driving also. I'm envious of your ability to sleep in a car. I can't fall asleep sitting up; I never could. I can't even doze off. So on a long journey I prefer to drive 100% of the time, to help the time pass more quickly. Last Saturday in Vermont, after a long celebration of my wife's parent's 50th anniversary, we fell asleep at 1am, woke up 2 hours later, and hit the road at 3:30am. We covered 740 miles in about 11 1/2 hours, arriving back home in Boones Mill at 3:00pm.



My wife can't sleep either. She'll relax with her eyes closed, but she never falls asleep. I am out like a light in a minute or two. If we stop and eat, I have to drive some more because I can't sleep right after eating.

Apparently when I am awake and not driving, I used to have this apparently annoying habit of slapping my knee until I got to drive. I think I have been cured by family ridicule.

We once drove the kids across the country. I found it amazing how far we could drive as long as I could get just a few minutes rest every few hours.

Of course by the time we got out of the car the kids were numb. The best days were the ones when we could stop in time for them to hit the swimming pool for an hour or so to unwind.

Congratulations to your wife's parents on their 50th. Are they still on the farm?

Sean Pecor

Yes, they're still on the farm and still going strong. Paul is nearing 70 but still works 60 hour weeks and has only slowed down a little. Like most family farms, they're barely making ends meet but I think the farm will stay in the family. He's got one son living and working on the farm with his own family and there is a farm succession plan currently being sorted out. The main farm is 800 acres in the champlain valley ( If the development rights weren't sold to a land trust they'd probably be getting offers $4MM offers on their land; it's a golf community developer's wet dream.


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