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« A June 1 ripe tomato, the taste of victory is sweet | Main | Memories from growing up in North Carolina »

June 06, 2008


Richard Provolone

Hey Dave!!

I couldn't help but congratulate you on the first ripe tomato of the season!!
I also wanted to add the decades of the seventies & eighties which were non-air conditioned classrooms as well. We NEVER got to go home early or get out of ANY classes due to heat! We just sat there and took it!
I am a regular reader of your blog. . . I will be in Holden beach in a few days for a few days. . . can't wait for the tropical breezes instead of the sweltering heat here in Roanoke!

Take care!



I hope you have a great trip. I went swimming again over at the beach last night.

The surf temperature near the Bogue Inlet pier was in the upper seventies, and it felt great.

The water south of Wilmington is supposed to be in the eighties.

I can remember one trip we did to Bald Head Island in the early nineties when it was so hot we had to swim in the early morning and in the evening.

From 9 am to 4 pm, you had to hide by the air conditioners.

I don't know how we survived those years in school with no fans and no air conditions. We must have been tough.

I couldn't do it today. Have fun at the beach. It looks like the weather will moderate some by mid week.

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