Not long ago we ventured down to the Grandin to see "There Will Be Blood" starring Daniel Day Lewis.
I have accused my wife recently of tricking me into chick flicks. I will have to retract that statement.
There Will Be Blood is no chick flick. It is probably the most intense movie that I have seen since Schindler's List.
While Schindler's List shocked you, There Will Be Blood overwhelms you with its intensity and story.
On top of that the images are visually stunning and loaded with meaning. I suspect film students will be going to see this film forever.
Daniel Day Lewis is in every scene. The emotion and intensity that he invests in his oil man character is hard to even imagine.
While I hesitate to recommend you run and see this move, eventually you will probably want to watch it.
There are some troubling images and questions that stay with you the next day which is usually the sign of a movie worth seeing.
Certainly if you want to convince people that greed can destroy, this is a good movie to see.
If you are looking for a laugh, you will not find it in There Will Be Blood.