The Roanoke area has been lucky so far with little ice accumulation.
VDOT is warning of some ice on bridges. Our home is on the foothills of Twelve O'Clock Knob Mountain.
We are a few hundred feet about Roanoke, but not as high as Bent Mountain.
Since about seven pm this evening, a thin glaze of ice has started to build on our deck.
I checked the driveway, steps, and road. All are still just wet. We might have escaped because of the recent warm weather.
According to my Accuweather map, the freezing line is just north of Interstate 66 in Northern Virginia.
The news on the local weather blog does not seem any more detailed information than what I can determine by sticking my head out the door.
I would expect ice to develop as the air cools slightly over night. Travel to any higher elevations than Roanoke might be hazardous later tonight.
Update-10 pm. We still seem to be getting mostly rain. It would be great not to skate to the newspaper box in the morning.
Update- 11:30 pm. Temperatures seem to be warming slightly. I think we have escaped the ice storm here in the Roanoke Valley.