Somehow this picture that I shot yesterday afternoon on the beach at Emerald Isle, NC is appropriate for this week.
Roanoke, Blacksburg, and all of North Carolina have been enjoying some weather that will certainly make the winter seem a little shorter.
When I took this picture I was in shorts and tee shirt. It had started to cool off a little but I was by no means cold. There were actually surfers in the water. I posted a few pictures at the Coastal NC forum on City-Data.
If you have trouble getting to the forum, here is a direct link to a December surfer picture.
Yesterday the temperature hit 77 degrees Fahrenheit down here on the coast. I saw that Roanoke got over 70 degrees. It has been an amazing fall. On Sunday when we were driving around Swansboro we saw very healthy Begonias. I posted a slide show of some my shots of the flowers and kayaking later that afternoon.
Maybe the fact that I have been kayaking all week in summer clothes is what makes Saturday's forecast for Roanoke so hard to take. What do they mean ice pellets, snow, and freezing rain?
Even in Swansboro, the low temperature Monday night is supposed to be in the upper twenties.
I cannot remember being in shorts one day and having to deal with snow the next.
We will be in Roanoke today, and I am hoping the local weathermen will factor in something to change that Saturday forecast. Surely the ground has enough stored heat to keep the roads clear.
It is okay that my old stomping ground near Fredericton, New Brunswick is at seven degrees Fahrenheit with drifting snow. That is Canada. It is supposed to be cold in December.
We are in the South and an occasional spurt of warm weather in December is acceptable. We do not expect a white Christmas, and we certainly do not need a white December 14th since that morning I have to drive down Fancy Gap to Charlotte and return that evening.
I am a weather fanatic, but I have driven up and down Fancy Gap since I got my license over forty years ago, and I am not interested in doing it in the snow which is supposed to start in Hillsville around 8 pm on Saturday night.
Here is to hoping the weathermen are getting carried away with the snow and ice thing and that it will turn out to look pretty on the grass and just water on the roads.