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June 26, 2007


Amber Robbins

I came across your blog quite by accident while searching google for something completely unrelated. Flood planes for the areas around dallas beleive it or not.

I saw the wonderful pictures and just started scrolling down. I am of course In love with every picture you've taken that I've seen so far.
They are absolutely breathtaking, the sunsets and sunrises are amazing. The views of the snow plows at night were stunning. It makes me want to run away from my life here and move out to a mountian top up there somewhere. I live in texas, we don't have colors like that down here. I'm just a little jealous.

You also have a knack for writing I think perhaps you should search out a job writing for a local newspaper.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how great your pictures are. I myself have had a temulcious love afair with the camera. As a teenager I was absolutely in love with all things dealing with photography. Then my mentor, my photography teacher died. I didn't touch a camera for 10 years.

I just recently purchased a camera again. A Canon Powershot. My pictures dont seem to come out as clean or as crisp as yours do. And I'm afraid to admit that after 10 years most of what I knew of photopgraphy has escaped me. So Im starting over. I found the same camera I learned on; a 35m Nikon SLR with all the lenses and attachments for 48 dollars at an antique store in Oklahoma, so I'm off to buy film and start my photography adventure again. I've come to relize what my dream job would be - Storm chaser photographer. Weather never looks as amazing as it does on film.
Anyway, just wanted to say cant wait to see more of your pictures, and if you have any pointers please share!
Thanks So much!

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