It is time to admit it, my friend Mike whipped me once again in the great tomato race.
The race has been over for a long time. Mike decided to use early varieties this year.
He actually had a ripe tomato nearly two weeks ago.
My first ripe one which was also damaged by tobacco worms would qualify for a June 30th tomato award which is certainly before July 4th.
Mike even gave me another chance as his regular varieties came in June 28th a couple of days before my ripe one.
All I can say is wait until next year. I'll have some area experience under my belt.
I don't plan to lose again, but Mike is pretty crafty. We have to call for some independent monitoring.
It is a wonderous thing to have homegrown tomatoes. They are one of the most prolific vegetables around. I only have three plants which went into the ground on May 5th, and we will be swamped with tomatoes.
This year's tomato ritual is going to have a much better result than last year's bitter harvest. I don't even mind losing as long as I have lots of tasty tomatoes.