I'm a big Google fan. I actually use many of their products including Picasa Web Albums, Blogger, Google Adsense, Google Analytics, Google Maps, Google Docs and Spreadsheets, and of course Gmail.
Then there is Google search. Which I actually consider my sidekick. If I want to find something that I have written and posted on the web, I just do a Google search for "viewfromthemountain 'whatever'."
For example if I search for "viewfromthemountain ham." the post "Country Ham," comes up. If I search for "viewfromthemountain five fond," I get the post, "Five Fond Memories From Childhood." A search for "viewfromthemountain grand" brings up "In honor of mom, the grand lady of Pine Street."
Google ends up being the best and quickest way for me to find something that I have written on the web. Considering I have over one thousand posts out there, finding something specific would be a challenge without Google.
Today I had some fun doing Google searches. The first search was for "Wisconsin man." The number two search result was, "Wisconsin Man Runs Over, Eats Seven-Legged Transgendered Deer." Since this came from Fox News, it's unlikely I would have seen this enlightening article without the Google search. Another result that came up was "Man Falls From 17th Floor at Minneapolis Hotel, Survives."
With that kind of success I tried a search for "North Carolina man" and came up with "North Carolina man invents bulletproof antigravity aircraft."
Since I was on a roll, my next search was for "Virginia man." Unbelievably the search took me to "Virginia Man Has Mad Cow Disease."
This of course spurred me on to do a search for "New Jersey man." I wasn't surprised to get the article "Man Jumps Off N.J. Bridge To Impress Date."
I couldn't resist doing "Mass man," and it was well worth the effort returning, "Mass. Man Survives Mt. Washington Avalanche."
I got a little giddy with all my success and decided to go north of the border with a search for "PEI man." For those of you with little knowledge of the great Canadian north, PEI means Prince Edward Island, which happens to one of the nicest little islands in the frozen north. I did get an interesting hit "P.E.I. man sent to jail for putting baby in freezer."
My Nova Scotia man search didn't return anything of interest so I decided to call it a day. Google definitely enriched my knowledge of currents events with little effort. It saved me from digging through lots of papers and countless blogs. I am now well armed with pre-Super Bowl trivia.
I suspect these grand successes will lead to lots of interesting searches in the future. This is definitely better than a news reader. A while back I did a serious post, "The glue for the modern world," about how Google and blogs fill in some of the cracks in the modern world.
great post. thank for share. I really need something like this.
and dont forget to pay a visit here
Posted by: rangers | November 28, 2009 at 07:09 AM