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February 19, 2007


Jason Whong

In addition to becoming discriminating shoppers, we should also consider leaving positive and negative feedback, especially when customer service is involved.

One or two letters don't amount to much. Fifty letters may get someone's attention.

Other Dave

I NEVER shop at Best Buy. I don't like their return policy. If you want customer service do your hardware store shopping (in Roanoke - that is) at any of the locations of Northwest Hardware. I think there are four; Williamson Rd.; Brambleton Ave; Salem; and I'm not sure where the fourth is.


Small hardware stores are probably the last holdout for customer service. This is why I was so shocked at the crew walking out just before closing. That hardware is Cape Carteret, NC fortunately for Roanoke people. Fortunately for the Cape Carteret people there are three other ones in the area.

I've always had great customer service at Ace Hardware at Oak Grove Plaza.

There have been some articles about Best Buy firing customers. My problem is that I've found Circuit City even worse.

Other Dave

I've not had much trouble with CC so far. At least last time I checked their return policy was more reasonable. Still, there's always the next time...

Sean Pecor

I gave up on small hardware stores when I bought a horse farm. There just isn't enough inventory. I prefer Lowes in general, and out here, I've got two to choose from and both provide great customer service. Any particular problem I've had at Lowes has been addresses very well by their service folks.

I and my wife have had good experiences at the Ritz Camera near Towers in Roanoke. Was that the Ritz you went to?



Unfortunately yes. I had previously had good luck with them also which is why I bought my Nikon D50 from them.

I think that is one of the reasons I was so disappointed. I felt like I lost a store that I could trust.

The good news is that my Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX2 is turning out some great pictures both for real estate and pleasure

This is the camera

Ritz had not mentioned it to me since they didn't carry that particular model.

Hey I never see you online, I miss our chats. Hope all is well and the pastures are at least thinking about getting green. The daffodils are blooming here and the Robins are all over the place.


True Story: My SO bought a radar detector from Best Buys. This item was carried to the register by a BB employee and my SO paid $200 for this item. When he got to his truck, he open the box to find it was empty. When he walked back to the store, they would not let him in because it was 10 minutes to closing time. He explained what happened but it made no difference.

He came home with a $200 empty box.

My SO returned the next day and had a difficult time getting anyone to believe him. What helped was that there were several empty boxes because employee theft was rampant. He got his radar detector.

Neither my SO or I have ever shopped at Best Buys since.


Unfortunately, the situation you describe is not unique to the United States. Small stores are disappearing everywhere in favor of shopping malls and large chains, where cost is all that counts. It's not just good customer service that is almost impossible to find: products are also being massified, and if you want something out the mainstream, a better quality product or one with specific features, the Internet is your last hope... Made in China is the curse of the new millenium...

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