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« The field is plowed | Main | Attack of the all in one machines & customer service »

October 15, 2006


Jack Gill

I truly enjoy this man's positive perspective on life and living. There is good news to report and people want to hear good news! And this man can write, and I dare say speak, the English language the way it is meant to be written and spoken. Good job! I always look forward to reading your pieces.


Well I always appreciate positive comments even from readers that I know. I won't let all the good stuff you're saying go to my head. So when are you going to come visit me on the coast?

Sean Pecor

Hah! I like that shoe lineup idea! I might be inspired to take a similar photo of my own shoes. I have one pair of nice Bostonian dress shoes, one pair of Sanuk flip flops, and then three pairs of work boots that are in various grades of Beat to Death :) As part of my self improvement program I've tried to avoid doing chores while wearing my Bostonians or my flip flops, but I've fallen off the wagon once or twice while wearing them :)

I might give those Crocs a try. Looks like the holes would make it easy to wash the manure out ;)



They are easy to clean. I wore them when plowing my garden. I just ran some water in them them to clean them out and then dried them.

Easy maintenance, and if you get one of the day glow colors they will be easy to find if your food slips out. :)

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