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October 20, 2006



I've had an HP OfficeJet 6110x all-in-one for about 3 years now and it works great on both OS X and XP. Just make sure you have the latest drivers from HP Support.

Louis Wheeler

I've had an HP 1315XI All-in-one printer since March 2005 without any problems. I didn't have much physical space to work with, so an all-in-one was an ideal solution. I had a positive experience with a model 1350 at work. The 1315XI was the cheapest model I could find in the series, since I had no need to have direct access from flash memory to the printer. I checked around on the web and found a bargain ($75 for the printer plus $10 for shipping.) There are plenty of bargains on the ink, too.

The print quality of the photos is fine as is for documents. I don't print much--perhaps five to ten pieces a week. But, it has come in handy to be able to copy or scan papers that I receive in the mail at home. I run the printer from an 800 Mhz Flat screen iMac on Mac OSX 10.4.8 with the HP upgrades. I expect to purchase a new iMac as soon as Leopard 10.5 is released. I don't expect any problem in the upgrade.

One thing to look at is if you need higher production rate for a SO/HO; if so you might have to go to the professional series. But, if it's just for personal use, then the 1315 or its newest equivalent would work out.

Sean Pecor

About 6,000 years ago I bought an HP k80Xi AIO printer and the damn thing wouldn't die. So I had to shoot it. Since I have an Epson R2400 for printing photos, I opted for an Epson RX700 this time around. The Epson RX700 lacks a fax so it wouldn't a good solution for you (I now use one of the PCs to perform those duties), but it does everything else just superbly and for an inkjet is damn fast and is very quiet and the quality is very good. I've not seen it run on a Mac so I can't offer any feedback on that. But on Windows the software is very, very well done. In fact, while using the RX700 last week, the software popped up and told me I could print about another 100 pages before running out of black ink. Along with the message was an Epson Store button that when pushed brought up the Epson store's black ink product page in my web browser. How cool is that! About thirty seconds later I had finished the order process and two days later I had my ink.

Which brings me to my one complaint about the HP k80xi. I hope they've since rectified this, but the HP had one large color ink cartridge. It made ink more expensive because if I ran out of Cyan and had Magenta and Yellow then I'd basically be throwing away unused Magenta and Yellow when I was forced to replace the cartridge. The Epsons have individual inks (the R2400 has 9, the RX700 has 4). Other than that the k80xi was a fantastic printer that worked for years and years!

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