There comes a point when you've said all you can say about our political situation. I think that I've arrived at that point. The newspapers are full of opinions so it's no trouble to find one that matches your own.
I'm for as little government as possible, and I'm going to leave it at that. I am for protecting our environment. It doesn't make a lot of sense to foul our own nest. I would like the next generations to have the opportunity to experience some of the wonderful places that I have seen.
For a number of years we owned a two person kayak. I spent many wonderful hours in Carvin's Cove exploring and even fishing. Mostly due to career demands at Apple Computer in my last years there, I gave it up.
Recently I passed my NC state real estate exam, and I gave my self a reward for all those long hours of study and classroom time, I bought myself a new kayak.
I had done some research earlier and decided on a Wilderness System Pungo 120. Unfortunately I couldn't find any locally so we went on a GPS adventure. It's rare when my Acura GPS screws up, but this time it really did. What should have been a trip to Rocky Mount of slightly over two hours ended up being over three hours. The trip back with some human directions and my new blue Pungo 120 only took a couple of hours.
The river in our backyard is the the White Oak. It's a beautiful river. Getting out on the river in the new kayak was a real pleasure. It you could zoom in a little on the picture to the left you could see in the distance the bridges over the White Oak near Swansboro, NC.
I spent an hour wandering around and exploring which is about all the old body could take cramped up in a kayak.
The water is still warm, and it couldn't be much more beautiful out on the river. It's a good way to completely forget about politics.
I need to find a better exit ramp than the boat ramp in our subdivision. It's a little steep for a graceful kayak exit, but that's just a minor problem.
On the way back in I did have to get cleared by the local air patrol, but he was pretty tolerant of me trying to get as close as possible for a photo.
Lots more kayaking pictures at "Kayaking the White Oak."