I guess maybe I'm just old fashioned. I go to the beach to listen to the waves, feel the warm water, and smell the salt air. Walking on a beautiful beach is one of the most relaxing things a human being can do.
People pay lots of money to rent places on the beach just so that they can amble out their door, walk on the beach and listen to the waves crashing on the shore.
So why would anyone wear an iPod on the beach and drown out the sounds of the waves with music you can hear in your own home far from the beach. Perhaps youthful rebellion is the answer.
I certainly don't have an answer, but if you'll check the picture of the lady to the right, she definitely has an iPod with iPod buds plugged into her ears.
I guess we're a big enough country to tolerate iPods on the beach.
I read today that the NC legislature has an annual tomato sandwich day. Now that's a legislature that is doing at least one thing right.
I won't start a campaign to outlaw iPods on the beach since I think most people have more sense. Now if there were no waves crashing against the shore, that might be a different story.