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July 18, 2006


Paula Kenny

This restaurant used to be my grandmother (Opal Jones) home.I spent most of my summers there with her. It was like my own personal heaven.
I went with my mother, her daughter, to see it a couple of years ago (it was still Riverside) but we got there about an hour before opening and were told that we could not go inside.
I suppose I might not want to go inside anyway so that I can remember it like it was. I live in Michigan now, so the chances I get to go to the area are not many.
It truly used to be beautiful but I doubt that it would be anything like it used to be.. ;-(

Paula Kenny

This restaurant used to be my grandmother (Opal Jones) home.I spent most of my summers there with her. It was like my own personal heaven.
I went with my mother, her daughter, to see it a couple of years ago (it was still Riverside) but we got there about an hour before opening and were told that we could not go inside.
I suppose I might not want to go inside anyway so that I can remember it like it was. I live in Michigan now, so the chances I get to go to the area are not many.
It truly used to be beautiful but I doubt that it would be anything like it used to be.. ;-(

frank duggan

Have lived in the Eastern Carolina area many times over the last 30 years and as a former Marine, have travelled literally worldwide and throughout the U.S.

Bottom line - Riverside is as good or better than any food that I have enjoyed. And that is saying something my friend.

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