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April 14, 2006



Thankfully, we don't have traffic like that in Northern Virginia in little bucolic Vienna.

Well, sometimes I66 gets backed up inside the Beltway in both directions, but at least outbound should be widened soon. ;-]


You are so full of it. The one thing you don't have are a zillion eighteen wheelers. You've got more cars than you have parking spaces unless you count Route 50 which is sometimes just a moving parking lot which is often what Interstate 66 becomes in the morning and afternoon.

We should ban trucks going to Northern Virginia. You guys would starve since they would all go over to Interstate 95 and the food would rot before it got to you.


Driving on I81 is frustrating. Especially when truckers take both lanes down hill (fast) and up hill (slow). However, it cannot be safe to take pics while zooming down the road at 65 mph, huh?

Drive safely...


Actually it's a tiny camera which has a 2.5 inch LCD for a viewfinder so I don't have to take my eyes off the road or hand off the wheel, and it takes less than 1/250 of a second. Actually I feel a lot safer taking a picture than when someone calls me on my cell phone.

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