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March 17, 2006



Barbecue is serious business, meant to be critically enjoyed. We have two local outfits in the Northern Virginia area which do good work, Famous Dave's and Dixie Bones. We also have Red, Hot & Blue, but it is a chain, and not up to the same standard as the other two.

Of course, no trip to the Outer Banks is complete without a visit to Pigman's.

Although my all time favorite barbecue is Arthur Bryant's at 18th & Brooklyn in Kansas City.


Then there was that barbecue place whose name I can't remember that we visited on the way back from the IAC Executive meeting in 2003 I believe.

I know people arrange golf tours around great courses. Someone should take the time to put together a NC-VA Barbecue Tour. It would be a worthy endeavor.

I actually mentioned a great barbecue place in Chapel Hill called "The Barbeue Joint" in this post.

We usually arrange our trips to the coast so we can catch a lunch or dinner there.

There a great article in the Roanoke Times about the music in SW Virginia and NC called "Going Down the Crooked Road."

In the first article in the series they had this to say.

"We knew that. Our traveling party hit the main stops -- the Blue Ridge Music Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Birthplace of Country Music in Bristol, etc. -- but we also stopped by Ralph Stanley's festival, met fiddlemaker Arthur Connor in Floyd County's Copper Hill, admired Gooch Harmon's off-beat museum in Carroll County and ate approximately 8 pounds of barbecue from Galax to Rocky Mount."

Good music and barbecue, not a bad recipe.

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