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November 12, 2005



Some like it hot!

John Kerper

I recently bought a jar of your horseradish which I like very much but it had no heat at all. That is the first time since I've been buying your product that this has happened. It says fresher if purchased by: 05/10/06 and there is a 314 under the date. It was purchased at Giant in Lebanon, Pa. Not a good batch by far.


I don't manufacture Kelchner's, I just enjoy eating it. I'm sorry you got a bad batch. Fortunately that hasn't happened to me. Better luck on your next batch. You seem to be a long term customer, I'm sure they hate to see you disappointed.

Jan Hooks

I have been using Kelchner's Cocktail Sauce for quite some time now and I always find it "just right", until my last purchase. This batch (0137) is TOO hot! Even tried to add a little ketchup, but WHOOEEE! Will continue to use it but this batch was a doozy.

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