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October 26, 2005


don gregory

well you are definitely not alone. i have the great misfortune of living with 2 volvos and i could easier support a mistress with a cocaine habit. the throttle body problem is a source of serious income for volvo dealerships across the country. they are just about impossible to replace yourself, and they are (according to volvo) not rebuildable. i think that is a lie of course. i will never own another volvo and i would trade both of ours for a 40 year old volkswagen. i just really hate to see things on a car that are designed to fail and also designed to be impossible for anyone other than the dealer to replace. it really is a case of the settlers going to the indians to get robbed.

Velia Primo

I own a 2001 Volvo Cross Country Wagon AWD. It has 50,000 miles on it and I am starting to have trouble. I took it to the dealer in Los Angeles at Culver City Volvo and they could not fix it. I lost trust in the dealer and felt they were ripping me off so I've taken it to two independent mechanics and they can't fix the problem either. The shifter gets jammed and I can't get it out of park. They've all replaced the switches but the shifter keeps jamming. One of the mechanics suggested it has something to do with the rear tail lights. When the tail lights don't come on the car does not allow me to shift out of park. Apparently this is a safety device but it is impossible to fix. This happens intermittently. It's as if this car is too high tech for any mechanic to fix. I am seriously thinking of trading it in for a Toyota. This problem has been going on since August '06. I bought my Volvo because of it's good reputation and the high mileage club, etc. but I have completely lost faith in Volvo.

car scratch repair

Volvo's are extremely reliable. Usually you can't go wrong.

windshield repair kit

The time has come to start thinking about changing my car. When weighing up the various options, I have narrowed it down to a basic desire to own a 4x4. This decision though is fraught with doubts, none of these doubts though have come from myself.

Garry Brei

Volvos are usually durable and reliable, but sometimes we do get to pick the lemons. It was just a case of bad luck. I think your Volvo is now on the end of its ropes. Maybe you have to think of buying a new car, if the repair of the car exceeds its cost.

CGS intake

The mixing of the air/fuel mixture is done at the manifold base. The butterfly shaft connected to the throttle cable controls the airflow through the unit.

NRG Steering Wheels

It doesn't mean if the car is getting old and you think that it is in need of repair, you'll immediately change it. It's just that it needs some clean up maybe. I do believe that all cars are steadfast and durable.

Intake Systems

With the power of internet surfing, car parts needed is easily found. Although it will cost you a lot. I have never owned Volvo car yet but planning too. Having read this also, give me an insight.


This is quite interesting! I'm glad I read it. I was thinking about buying a Volvo, but I ended up going to the Used Ford in McAllen, TX and they gave me a great deal on a car. I hope I never have to deal with a situation like yours, it sounds awful.

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