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September 28, 2005


Sean Pecor

Something you might consider if it's practical for you is turning your notebook into your desktop. In my case I had two notebooks and a desktop computer and it was mildly frustrating to manage files among all three. To help mitigate this I purchased a 21" LCD monitor, and the Microsoft bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse. I set my desktop replacement notebook off to the side of my desk, and plug the monitor into the notebook. Next I plug my bluetooth usb adapter into the notebook. Now I've got a desktop computer with none of the ergonomic problems of a notebook computer, and when I need to hit the road, I simply unplug the external monitor and the bluetooth adapter and go. I've used this setup for four months and it's been wonderful.



Actually I ended up plugging the Windows Laptop into my KVM switch which has turned out to work very well. I now can easily flip between my Linux desktop and ny Windows laptop. Getting to Windows without having to reboot will likely mean that I become more familiar with Windows. My only problem now is that I have to switch desks if I want to use my desktop Mac. Of course I end up using the flat panel display and regular keyboard with the laptop which as you said is very nice.

Since I'm doing most of my stuff on the web or through e-mail keeping things synchronized isn't very much of a problem. I do all of my photos on the Macs so it is all working out well. I wrote a couple of posts on the Dell laptop today, one of them for my Apple site, so it was good to get the experience. I finally stuck Office on the laptop so now I'll be ready for presentations also.

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