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My Unusual View of Apple

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September 17, 2005


Edward Hudson

My wife is interested in getting some of your Applebutter. Someone gave her a jar and she really liked it. Please give me some information about the pricing and mailing information for at least a 16 oz. jar(s) of this apple butter.

Please drop me an e-mail.

Edward Hudson

Edward Hudson

I do not have an account.

Debi Jamison

I friend gave us some delicious honey that they picked up at your orchard. They wondered if we were related? Our family is from New Jersey. Is there a way to order honey and other products from you?

Debi Jamison

Can I order honey from you online?

Carol Lawrence

Thank you so much for allowing us (PWC) to visit your farm today. Our members talked about the trip for weeks before we came and they were'nt disapointed. Thank you


Do you do Scissors Sharpening? Please send directions if you do.


Can you give me the recipe for your cinnamon hard candy?

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