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August 28, 2005



What do you know about a Hurst shifter in a small block Chevy, young man?


Au Contraire sir, I had two chrome Hurst shifters, one in burgundy 1967 GTO with 389 cubic inches and a four barrel, and the other in 1969 Blue GTO convertible with three deuces, ram air, 400 cubic inches and a racing cam. The engine just loped along until you got it up over 4500 rpm. I have a picture that I shall send you some day of an identical restored GTO that I saw last summer in a parking lot in Chapel Hill. What a beauty.


I grew up in Mt. Airy and my parents still live there. I always make it a point to go get a Big Moe when I'm visiting. In fact you post is making me want one right now!

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