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« Just what we need, an ocean going Blob | Main | Seeing beyond the valley »

August 22, 2005



I just found you! I have been reading your Blog each day and I am delighted to read your text and appreciate your photos. Your Blog is intelligent, insightful and very interesting to read!
This post about your Mom is so beautiful and very touching! Really a lovely homage for your dear Mom! You transmit to me you was a good and amorous son. Your Mom looks a nice and a great lady. I am sorry she passed away. I love her teaching, like: “never be afraid of hard work and to be proud of my roots”, and “to live in the moment with an eye to the future.” Thanks for sharing her teaching with us.
You are right: “There's probably no more relaxing feeling than coming home as a young adult and having your cares disappear into the walls of your family home as your mother's home cooking completely finishes off your worries”. Your post brings back many happy memories of my Mom, and I miss her, too.
I wish you all a wonderful week!
Regards from São Paulo, Brazil. Sonia.


Thanks so much for the kind comments. I especially enjoy having readers from other continents. The contact seems to make the world just a little smaller. Our quaint little valley of only 250,000 people must look strange to someone used to the urban metropolis of São Paulo. It nice to know that my thoughts can bring back the memories of your mother.

Take care.

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