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July 30, 2005


Sean Pecor

Hey, you owe it to yourself to visit Grand Cayman! We spent a week there in early 2004 and on about day five I was browsing real estate magazines. I'm told this is typical :) The Cayman Islands government is well run, the fishing I'm told is superb, and the swimming and snorkeling is thought by many pros to be nearly the best in the world. Tourism targets mid-life folks who enjoy good food, great boating and fishing, music and so on, so to me it seemed the ideal island paradise. The wealth of the country is very high - there are barely 40,000 people yet over 480 banks are headquartered there. As a result, the crime is very low, the hospitals are very high tech and so on.

Ultimately, I'll always feel most at home in the mountains. I also want to stay planted for a good long while. I'm more interested in developing friendships with a circle of folks who generally do the same. Folks I can build some real history and heritage with. To me that's more refreshing than meeting a whole new group of friends every ten years. You know the old saying, a friend will help you move, but a good friend will help you move a body!

We do love to travel though, and I've vowed to travel to a new distant country every year, while also leaving time to visit a favorite spot each year also. This year it was Holland and Germany, and we'll be zipping down to Saint Augustine soon. Next year I'd like to see Ireland's farm country, and also make it back to Holland again. Holland really spoke to me.


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