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June 26, 2005


Randy Mobley

David, I got to your blog thru info in the McCallie News.

I hope all goes well; 38 years go by quickly!

I noticed that you are in VT country. My son swam for VT back in the mid-90's. He loved it there.
Beautiful campus; lots of smart people.

I have talked to Bill Shults a few times over the years and I see Frank LaVarre at the McCallie phonathon here in Nashville about every year. Same old Frank, just grayer!

I left the corporate world a few years ago and built a second career in the car business. I love it.

My kids are grown and gone. My son is a golf pro in Wilmington NC and my daughter works with mentally ill adults in Knoxville TN. My wife is a retired microbiologist and currently is a computer teacher in the Franklin TN school system just south of Nashville.

Do you ever talk to any of the McCallie crowd? If you saw the campus now, you would not believe it. McCallie has come a long way since North, Middle and South Hall.

I hope to hear from you

Randy Mobley '67

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