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October 03, 2014


Bob A

I would **REALLY** like to see Apple make and demonstrate a long-term commitment to its software. I still have old AppleWorks or ClarisWorks documents that I can't open in an iWorks app because Apple hasn't provided a way to do that. Apple's apps are good, they just aren't great like their hardware (Keynote is by far the best of the lot). I actually like Numbers (though there are some odd ommissions in features), prefer Pages over Word (though, again, some oddities), and tolerate Mail, iPhoto, and iTunes (mainly because the work involved to migrate to a new mail/photo/music app is too daunting). I've wondered, like you, if anybody at Apple actually uses their own software.

Steve Clark

"Apple's software would get better if company policy dictated only Pages and Numbers documents"
Way back in the "good ol' days" at Apple (late '70s?), then Pres Mike Scott did issue an edict forbidding the use of typewriters, which were the best tech at the time for many tasks. It caused huge difficulties for some, but led to better products. Scotty was right: the use of typewriters at Apple was an embarrassment. But I doubt that TC could get away with such a dictate as you suggest as these products exist today. iWorks is the embarrassment.

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