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February 23, 2013



I have tried as best I can to become as device independent as possible. My NAS storage device holds all my pictures, historical documents, movies and music, backed up to a local store and Google. My second hand iPad really functions as social media hub, newspaper reader, and an all-day Evernote assistant. When it dies I'll probably look at something else, but I'm not tied to the device, nor am I passionate about it. Been in the cloud email/contacts for years with Gmail. Actually migrated all of my old Mail.app messages into Gmail several years ago, so no local mail I have to worry about.


So what type of device are you using for your personal NAS?

I actually had to turn off Time Machine on my new Mac Mini. It was giving me too many errors so I try to keep all my files in the cloud and on the Windows 8 box which has a good file backup system.

I keep my Nexus 7 by my easy chair for quick browsing and mail, but my old Kindle Fire which seems bullet proof often travels with me to meetings for use as an Evernote device.

While I also use Gmail, I continue to have some email accounts hosted on my own websites and I was lucky to have one of the grandfathered Gmail accounts with my own domain.

Sometimes I still miss my old Newton for note taking. It still works but not sure how I would get the notes moved.

I bought Office 365 but I am now using Google Docs for much of my writing. I would like to try a Chromebook.

I have been watching with interest discussions from students and educators about how nice Chromebooks are for taking notes. Most of the educators are coming down on the side of Chromebooks working better than tablets or iPads for students.

The Pixel would be great note taker but I don't have that kind of money to spend on something I don't really need. I think it looks great and reminds me of my favorite old Titanium Powerbook.

I have finally freed my music from iTunes and am now using Spotify and Amazon Cloud player for most of it. Though I do have much of it in iTunes.

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