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October 15, 2012


Robert P

Hi Dave,

I purchased a Kindle version of your book and so far its a great read. Not just about the Apple culture, but how to survive in high tech sales which I have been involved in since 2000. All of high tech sales is crazy at some level, but it seems that the more visible the company the worse it gets. I could relate well to the many scenarios you described - the constant forecasting, change in management, and political agendas of people that dont really care about the company. Ultimately, Apple has probably been successful in spite of itself, which sadly seems to be the state of affairs in high tech. I recently joined IBM and am actually using a Mac in my sales role - a bit of irony given the past history between the two companies. What i find refreshing is IBM's focus on the customer - which I think Apple should foster as well. Its only been a month at IBM - but I noticed it right away and I hope it stays that way. I've maintained my loyalty to Apple products given the increase in personal efficiencies I have experienced using them, but its definitely getting harder to do as i have noticed the nuances that just didnt happen when Steve was healthy and still around. Time will tell, but Apple needs to wake up..

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