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March 24, 2012


Harvey Silverstein


I really enjoyed your column and pretty much agree with everything you mentioned. I have an older IIIG Iphone and am now waiting for the Iphone 5 to upgrade - largely because I like the idea of Icloud and synching calendars and contacts with my desktop and Ipad 2.

I did read the bio of Steve Jobs - very interesting, and would love to read your book.

While we did have a day close to 80 degrees last week - we are now back at freesing again in Halifax.

Robert P

Great post as always. I switched to the Mac and bought my first Macbook pro in June 2007. The main reason was the reliability of the Mac platform after years of struggling with Dell and HP laptops. I was not disappointed and my personal productivity increased dramatically and I was able to run Windows based apps much better on the Mac with Parallels. With iPhoto and IMovie and other native apps the Mac was all I needed and then some. I was happy until Lion came out, and have had numerous issues with Lion which involved memory upgrades and visits to Genius bar to reconfigure and change settings on my Macbook Pro and iMac. Lions just wasn't quite ready for prime time, but I've been able to navigate the issues so far. More recently, I have been utilizing and iPhone and iPad much more. My whole digital life is in my iPhone and the wealth of apps and ability to configure my alerts and information preferences has proven invaluable - it also syncs to my corporate calendar and contacts quite well. The iPad has proven to be useful in terms of doing quick checks on e-mail and on the web, and I have converetd all my subscriptions to digital ones which are much more convenient. Reading Wired magazine on the iPad is much better than in print - same for all the other publications I read. All in all - I find myself utilizing more of Apple's mobile platforms than the Macbook. However, despite the bad tast Lion has left in my mouth, I will probably invest in a Macbook Air later this year as there are still several things you can't do on a mobile platform. Also - Apple's iCloud and MobileMe have been disappointing and need a lot fo work. All in all, Apple satisfies my needs but the bigger they grow, the more issues they seem to be having with their products which could hurt them in the long run. If they don';t fix their cloud strategy, they could be ignoring a key growth area in the long run.

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