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November 04, 2011


Erik Akerblom

I was an eWorld beta tester and had a number of those shirts. I believe I literally had the last laugh when it went dark. I was in the main chat room lobby and said lol and then it went dark.

My apple t-shirt collection went away a few years back. I wish I still had some of them...

erik9999 or erik99 at eWorld



I recently discovered a shirt (not a T-shirt) in my closet from WWDC 1991. I sent it in to be carefully cleaned (versus my usual "Eh, just throw it in the wash") and wore it at the last WWDC. Got a few, "Oh! I remember that one!" comments.


I used it - on my Newton OMP, connecting via the cigarette-box Newton Modem, no less!


After the jumbled mess that was Compuserve, eWorld seemed wonderful at he time.

As for T-shirts, I leave wearing them to my wife, no matter what the logo of slogan, they look so much better on the ladies.

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