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February 22, 2010



You can edit a Word document using iWork's Pages and send it as PDF document. You can not edit a PDF document using Microsoft Word!!!


Sorry, that the original post wasn't completely clear. I edit the Word document and send as a changed PDF. It is just a click. I find that it is quicker and easier on a PC than on a Mac. I have changed the post to clear up the impression that I might be editing PDFs in Word.


I will be watching for your take on the i7 PC notebooks. I've never understood the need for Fetch, it must be a geek app for running blogs? I went to their site and I still don't get what you gain from this app. Give me a real world example to understand why this is important. When Snagit gets a ruler I may consider the app. Without a ruler it's useless to me. MS Paint in Win 7 works as good for free. With web companies like TypePad, why use Rapid Weaver? I guess if you're a tinkering geek it works. So it comes down to iLife as a reason to pay a wickedly high price for a Mac (with an i7). Hmm, tough sell. No Blueray, only 4GB of RAM (ha), only 500 MB graphics card vs PC 1.5 GB. Apple just loves ripping off their faithful under the guise of cool. Apple has to get a little better on pricing like you said and they'll have to add a few more apps into iLife to make it appealing to PC'ers. And lord, they have to get their gaming act together. They have the money to do some serious challenging here and do nothing.


Rapidweaver lets me have much more control over a website. I have websites where I pay a hosting company for space, and I create the whole site. The flexibility is much greater. I can put one picture up on the web, a slide show or whatever. While Rapidweaver will work without a FTP client, I prefer to export my website to a local folder on my hard drive and then use Fetch to transfer the files to the web. If you do a lot of photography work and use those photos across pamphlets, websites, cd-roms, and dvds, then iLife makes a lot of sense. The integration is far better than on Windows. I average taking about 100 pictures a day, and I use them on the web and in print material. The Mac is very good at that. However, that said, my first experiences with Windows 7 are very positive, and I love the speed of my HP system with an I7.


I have to say that I've had the opposite problem in moving to Mac OS X - there are a few wonderful programs for Windows for which there are no analogues on Mac OS, chief amongst them Paint.NET. Other favourites include IrfanVIEW, 7-Zip and a little mouse tool called StrokeIt, as well as Windows Live Writer, which was a mind-boggling product because (a) it was from Microsoft; and (b) it didn't have an AWFUL HTML export engine. At the time I switched, I was also missing Picasa, which prevented me from switching over full time. I've eventually ponied up for PixelMator instead of Paint.net, even though I'm missing some of the more esoteric and useful functions from Paint.net.

PS - have you tried your hand at http://alternativeto.net/ for some of your programs?

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