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April 04, 2007


John Muir

I think you've struck an important nerve when you say: "My MacBook continues to work well as a tool to help differentiate me from other other Realtors®, some of whom are still struggling with computers." Obviously you're a veteran user but I can't help but spot similarities in my own experience a few thousand miles northeast over the Atlantic.

There's something about the Mac user experience which helps people to explore their computers more and give good software and services a try. Unskilled and confused Windows users are stumbled into on a daily basis no matter where you are, but it seems to be a different experience entirely with Macs; which have the uncanny habit of becoming tools in the hands of everyone instead of loathesome enemies. It's easy to bash Windows for what it is and what becomes of so many of its users, but just because it's obvious and somewhat cliché doesn't make it any less true.

I reckon you'll have some good fortune in your new trade, and may well switch another few converts over to the Mac in the process. The fact that we live in such inter-operable times is a huge boon for platform choice, as you have discovered.


If you have a Mac and are a real estate agent, you HAVE to try out:


It's organizational real estate software, sort of like Top producer, only easier to use, simpler and less expensive. And, most importantly, runs on Macs.

There's a 90 day free trial available from the company web site.

Laura van Hoff

I'm also a committed Mac user. I have a PowerBook G4 running 10.4.9 One crucial tool I've not been able to make work on the mac yet is a mapping tool...something like Microsoft Streets and Trips. I want to both map brokers tour properties and and provide property tour maps for my clients. Any ideas?? Thanks in advance!

Peggy Sue Amelon

I've been using a Mac in real estate for 14 years. Aside from some moments that I had to wait for real estate software to "catch-up" I've been quite successful. I am a bit dedicated to the cause, though.

I am a fanatic so I will not go on and on about my absolute love for my Macs, past and present (not without frustrations) with my Macs. Just know that "I am with you!"

I've discovered that the USB version of the Supra Key Card Cradle is not supported by Parallels. Any suggestions?

Thank you! Peggy Sue

Taryn Merrick

I stumbled upon your blog while searching anything to do with Macs and Real Estate! As a RE Virtual Assistant (REPA) and a Mac enthusiast and loyal user, I am very interested in reading how you are making it work in RE by using a Mac. I am constantly on the lookout for these type of posts for my clients who use Macs as well as for myself. I am not too far in Tennessee. Cheers!


I am a real estate agent who is considering making the switch from a windows based PC to a Mac.Of course many people in the real estate industry are saying that it can't be done, and that it will be very difficult. I am not listening to these folks. Any suggestions or comments on how to get started?

Denise Levi

I am a PA Real Estate agent with a new MacBook Pro laptop. In my PC days, I used Outlook for my data base then exported to Word to create mailing labels and to do merge for letters. I can't find a program with the MAC to do the same - problem is because of bulk mailing rules, I have to insert "or current occupant" under the residents name then still need the address lines. Can anyone help! so far - Apple is no help at all ;(

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